Career Transition Services

While any process of changing positions involves uncertainty, knowledge of the steps involved and time required to make a successful change is useful in helping to manage such transitions effectively.

Recruit Smart has a Career Transition Program to help individuals to identify new job roles, most appropriate to their background and interests and provide them with the skills to pursue those roles.

We take people through a structured process that helps them understand the job finding concepts and methods that have proven to be successful, which they can continue to use into the future.

This program will help them to:

  • Assess their Strengths: What are the skills, abilities and interests that make them attractive to a potential employer?
  • Choose a Suitable Field: Where are these skills and abilities likely to be needed? And what kind of work best fits them?
  • Develop a Job Search Strategy: How can they best approach the marketplace to find their next position and optimise their chances of success?
  • Market Yourself: How can they present yourself most effectively to gain an interview and impress employers favourably ?

Our services, for both employers and individuals can be tailored as appropriate to situation and budget.

For further information on these services please call Rowen on 08 8274 2105.

Recruitment Adelaide - Recruit Smart - Career Transition Services